Neuroimaging, Molecular and Digital Medicine in... (Leggi tutto)
Scientific Head: Prof. Mario Clerici
Neuroimaging and decision making support strategies based on both biological measurements (genetics, immunology and virology microbiology) and on digital data (morpho functional imaging and e Health).
The research area is focused on the development of new rehabilitation programs that rely on the use of quantitative profiles and indicators derived from biological measures (genetics, immunology, and virology-microbiology) as well as digital measures that come from morpho functional imaging and e-Health.
The improvement of rehabilitation medicine towards greater precision, predictiveness and personalisation, goes through a high level of sophistication and through the integration of multiple scientific languages in an innovative “rehabilomics” and quantitative approach.
The application of this approach to patients with complex, chronic conditions undergoing therapeutic and experimental rehabilitation, allows to improve decision-making and treatments personalization. The knowledge about neurofunctional mechanisms from neuroimaging studies can also contribute to guiding digital-therapeutics solutions in the rehabilitation field.
To achieve the aims have been developed in the following five sub-areas.
Immunoinflammatory profiles in patients at risk/with neuromotor and cognitive impairment
Contact: Marina Saresella - e-mail:
Microbiological and virological profiles in patients at risk/with neuromotor and cognitive impairment
Contact: Prof. Gian Maria Rossolini - e-mail:
Characterization of prognostic genetic and epigenetic biomarkers in the context of neuromotor and cognitive disability in rehabilitation
Contact: Franca Guerini - e-mail:
Morphofunctional and metabolic patterns in MRI and fNIRS predictive of disease course and response to pharmacological and rehabilitation treatment
Contact: Baglio Francesca - e-mail:
Digital markers for data-driven phenotyping of cognitive and noncognitive abilities
Contact: Blasi Valeria - e-mail: